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Chinese translation for "radial velocity"


Related Translations:
radial:  adj.1.光线的;光线状的。2.放射的,辐射(状)的。3.镭的。4.【数学】半径的;【物理学】径向的;【解剖学】桡骨的;【植物;植物学】射出花的,射出状的。n.1.放射部。2.桡骨神经[动脉]。3.子午线轮胎。adv.-ly
radial motion:  径向运动。
radial tire:  放射状轮胎。
radial heating:  辐射能热。
radial drill:  旋臂钻床。
radial flux:  【物理学】辐射通量。
radial arrangement:  【植物;植物学】间隔排列。
radial axle:  转向轴。
radial engine:  星形发动机。
radial ply tire:  放射状轮胎。
Example Sentences:
1.Harps high accuracy radial velocity planet searcher
2.The distribution law of radial velocity of flow field in hydrocyclone
3.3 tdwr radial velocity 6 deg scan
4.Heliocentric radial velocity
5.Radial velocity curve
6.A doppler radar only measures the component of the velocity in the line of sight , the so - called radial velocity
7.The radar negative radial velocity - cool colours with a typical width of 1 km were seen downwind of nei lak shan and cheung shan from time to time
8.The wind field retrieval data are obtained by plied muscat technique to transact the rude radial velocity data which were observed by dual - doppler radar volume scans
9.The radar ( negative radial velocity - - cool colours ) with a typical width of 1 km were seen downwind of nei lak shan ( nls ) and cheung shan ( cs ) from time to time
在弥勒山及象山的下风位置,不时见到约一公里宽的狭长径向风朝向雷达(反径向风冷色) 。
10.The radial velocity profile of the liquid is dependent on the superficial air velocity and the column height , and flows from the wall to the center at bottom of the column
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